The status-endpoint returns information if the patient has registered critical health information or not, and a timestamp when the information was last changed. A last changed timestamp for each type of critical information is also returned.
The response also contains the privacy settings the patient may have set.
If the patient has set a kjernejournal reservation
no critical information for the patient exists in kjernejournal.
If the patient has set a restriction
for access to kjernejournal or specifically for critical information an extra consent must be given for access.
Note that we prefer that clients requests the status-endpoint first for each session in order to determine whether the patient has set restriction or reservation. This will improve the user experience as extra consent must be given for access in that case. See the hit-access-basis header for how to set consent.
The resource require machin-to-machine token or a user HelseID authentication. The EPJ can use a machine-to-machine token to check if the patient has critical information and if there has been updates without requiring the user to log in with HelseID. If a user token is used, the response contains a flag if the users HPR number is blocked or not. A blocking cannot be overruled.
Attribute | Format | Description |
nin | String | Norwegian national identification number |
Curl example: Request status for patient
curl --location --request POST '' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer eyJhbGciOiJSUzI1NiI......<HelseId machine token>' \
--header 'hit-source-system: My EPJ system name' \
--header 'hit-patient-pid: 10086055555' \
--data '{"nin":"10086055555"}'
Attribute | Format | Description |
patientNIN | String | The patient NIN (National Identification Number). It's the same as FNR/DNR. |
hasCriticalInformation | Boolean | The patient has at least one critical information record which is active (i.e. not deleted or refuted), but it may be expired. |
hasActiveCriticalInformation | Boolean | The patient has at least one critical information record which is active and not expired. |
lastChangedDateTime | Timestamp | Timestamp when critical information was last changed for this patient. |
dateChanged.allergyIntoleranceDate | Timestamp | Timestamp when the registration of other allergen (annen allergi) or drug reaction (legemiddelreaksjon) was last changed. |
dateChanged.conditionComplicationsOfAnesthesiaDate | Timestamp | Timestamp when the registration of intubation problems or other anesthetic problems was last changed. |
dateChanged.conditionCriticalMedicalConditionDate | Timestamp | Timestamp when the registration of medical condition alert was last changed. |
dateChanged.procedure | Timestamp | Timestamp when the registration of ongoing treatment was last changed. |
dateChanged.deviceUseStatementDate | Timestamp | Timestamp when the registration of (mechanical) device the patient has as implant was last changed. |
dateChanged.conditionTransplantsAndOtherForeignBodiesDate | Timestamp | Timestamp when the registration of transplants and other foreign objects in the body was last changed. |
dateChanged.consentDate | Timestamp | Timestamp when the registration of the consent the patient has given regarding treatment was last changed. |
dateChanged.conditionInfectionDate | Timestamp | Timestamp when the registration of the infectious disease the patient has was last changed. |
dateChanged.allergyIntoleranceDate | Timestamp | Timestamp when the registration of allergies or other reactions was last changed. |
privacySetting.hasReservationKjernejournal | Boolean | If the patient has set a kjernejournal reservation or not. |
privacySetting.isRestricted | Boolean | Patient has set restriction for access to critical information. Extra consent must be given for access. |
privacySetting.isBlocked | Boolean | Always false for machine JWTs. True if a user JWT is used and the HPR-number is blocked. Cannot be overruled. |
Response example
"patientNIN": "10086055555",
"hasCriticalInformation": true,
"hasActiveCriticalInformation": true,
"lastChangedDateTime": "2023-11-07T09:21:58.573Z",
"dateChanged": {
"allergyIntoleranceDate": "2023-11-07T09:21:58.573Z",
"conditionComplicationsOfAnesthesiaDate": null,
"conditionCriticalMedicalConditionDate": null,
"procedure": null,
"deviceUseStatementDate": null,
"conditionTransplantsAndOtherForeignBodiesDate": null,
"consentDate": null,
"flagDate": null,
"conditionInfectionDate": null
"privacySetting": {
"hasReservationKjernejournal": false,
"isRestricted": false,
"isBlocked": false