Status ressursen returner informasjon om pasient har behandlingsplan, og når eventuelt plan sist ble endret
The endpoint requires either a machin-to-machine token or a HelseID user token for authentication. The EPJ can use a machine-to-machine token to check if the patient has a care plan and if there has been updates without requiring the user to log in with HelseID.
Note that when a machine-to-machine token is used there are fewer required headers than with a user token.
When a user token is used all the required headers must be set as usual. The "hit-access-basis" header can in this case always be set to UNNTAK. Note that we do not do any audit logging for requests to the /status endpoint.
Felt | Format |
nin | Fødselsnr |
Request eksempel
curl --location --request POST 'http://localhost:8080/api/careplan/status' \
--data-raw '{"nin":"28031561584"}'
Felt | Format | Beskrivelse |
activeCarePlan | booleam | True = har aktive plan, False = har ingen (aktive) plan |
lastChangedDateTime | DateTime | Null hvis ingen plan, ellers tidspunkt for når planen ble sist endret |
Respons eksempel
"activeCarePlan": true,
"lastChangedDateTime": "2023-01-07T10:52:17.3133333+01:00"